Protecting Maryland’s Eastern Shore

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Maryland’s Program Open Space, a nationally recognized land conservation program, is under dire threat of being zeroed out as part of a proposal by Maryland’s Department of Legislative Services (DLS), which has recommended the General Assembly eliminate ALL funding for Program Open Space for the next four years. ESLC is working around the clock in Annapolis to oppose this proposed elimination of funding. We need your help to advocate for the full conservation funding. Contact your legislators to advocate for POS.

Our Mission & Vision

Eastern Shore Land Conservancy conserves, stewards, and advocates for the unique rural landscape of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, forever a special place of diverse and abundant natural resources and thriving rural communities.

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ESLC's Impact

Miles of Shoreline Protected
Total Acres of Land Conserved
Acres of Farmland Protected

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Your Support Makes a Difference

There are a variety of ways to financially contribute to Eastern Shore Land Conservancy’s mission to conserve, steward, and advocate for the unique rural landscape of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.