Board Spotlight: Jules Hendrix


What is your earliest memory of the Eastern Shore?

I remember first visiting my (future) in-laws, who retired here in 2000.  My (now) husband and I had traveled from California to see them, and, although we both grew up on the East Coast, we both hadn’t spent time on the Eastern Shore.  We fell in love.

Tell us more about your job.

I am the owner of the Crow Insurance Agency, which is a full-service insurance agency providing individuals and businesses with insurance.  We specialize in agricultural and crop insurance, and work with farmers throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

How did you become involved with conservation work?

I became involved in conservation work in college when I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a degree in Environmental Studies and Political Science.  Whether it was working in arboretums or for conservation-minded non-profits, conservation was a similar thread in my activities.  I continued this work as I entered the agricultural field for my Masters Degree in Agronomy from the University of California-Davis.

How did you first learn about ESLC?

I learned about ESLC from several of my clients who worked on conservation easements with ESLC.

What is your favorite thing about serving on the ESLC board?

I find the other board members to be a wonderful mix of intelligent individuals, with unique backgrounds and specialties, who come together to work toward the same vision of conserving and advocating for the rural landscape and open space of the Eastern Shore.

What positive changes do you hope to see on the Eastern Shore?

The people living on the Eastern Shore understand that their environment is a unique cherished treasure.  Being a part of advocacy of keeping that way is one way that I can be a part of its future.

What is your favorite place on the Eastern Shore?

I love walking in the Natural Resource Areas and the Wildlife Management Resource Areas.  They are beautiful throughout all seasons and provide amazing open space and wild space for humans and animals.

Where on the Eastern Shore have you not explored? Where would you like to go and why?

I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the southern part of the Eastern Shore, as my daily activities take me mostly within the northern counties.  So, I think I better start exploring the wonders of Somerset, Wicomico, etc. next.