Jules Hendrix

Vice Chair


ESLC is a fantastic organization, one which I’m extremely proud to be a part of. It is an organization that lives by its mission to work to conserve, steward, and advocate for the rural landscape of the Eastern Shore. The staff and board members truly take this mission to heart and it shows in their efforts and accomplishments.

Jules Hendrix grew up in Pennsylvania, received a Masters of Science, Horticulture and Agronomy from the University of California-Davis, and currently resides in Church Hill, MD with her husband. Hendrix is the Owner and President of Crow Insurance Agency, Inc., a Middletown-based Elite Certified insurance agency that has served the peninsula’s agricultural community for more than a decade, receiving the National Crop Insurance Service’s Outstanding Service Award in 2023. Hendrix currently serves as ESLC’s Board Chair of Governance and Nominations. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening and traveling.