David initially joined ESLC in 2016 as a stewardship intern and again in 2017 as a stewardship contractor, before finally joining as a full-time staff member in January of 2018. David currently leads the Land Conservation team handling the acquisition, stewardship and restoration of conservation properties throughout the region. A native of the Eastern Shore who grew up on a farm outside of Preston, David has a great respect for agricultural and natural resources which drives his passion for the conservation of this landscape.
David has a Bachelors of Science in Biology from Towson University and a Masters of Science in Biology from the University of Nebraska – Kearney, both with a focus in wildlife biology. This focus on wildlife stems from a lifetime passion for animals, stoked through literature, excursions through the woods, and hunting and fishing with his family. When not at work, David enjoys relaxing at home in Centreville with his dog, Duke, as well as gaming with friends, watching movies, reading books, and birding.
DSatterfield@eslc.org • (410) 422-1996 (m)