Michael Ports

Michael Ports

Easement Stewardship Manager

Michael joined ESLC in May of 2020, working with landowners and volunteers to ensure our preserved properties are protected and well-maintained. Born and raised in a sprawl development in Queen Anne’s County, he recognizes the strong development pressures placed on the region’s prime agricultural lands and natural features.

Michael earned his BA in Environmental Studies and Political Science from University of Lynchburg, interning with ESLC for two summers, and earned his MPP in Environmental Policy from University of Maryland with focuses on development and climate change. Michael lives in Easton with his wife, and enjoys songwriting, spending time with his family, and playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends. Michael also volunteers as an adult leader with Boy Scout Troop 464 in Ruthsburg.

MPorts@eslc.org • (443) 262-5577 (m)