steve kline eslc president

Steve Kline

President and CEO

Steve joined the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy as President in December 2021 after spending two decades as a lobbyist in Washington. For the last ten years of Steve’s time on Capitol Hill, he led the government relations work of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP), a national hunting and fishing conservation organization. During his tenure in the nation’s capital, Steve was the principal architect of a variety of successful legislative campaigns, and worked extensively on public policy issues related to public lands conservation, recreational fishing, wetlands protection, wildlife health, access, infrastructure, forest management, and private lands conservation.

Steve was also an elected member of the Centreville Town Council from 2020-2023 and served two consecutive years as Council President. He was a delegate to the 2008 Republican National Convention and has advised national, state, and local political candidates on issues related to natural resources. He has a bachelor’s degree in political science from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and a master’s degree in government from Johns Hopkins University.

Steve is an Eagle Scout, a seventh generation Marylander, and is proudest of all to be a husband and dad. He is an avid bird hunter, angler, little league coach, and an obsessive reader of non-fiction.  •  (410) 690-4603